Meat the Ancestors

The subject of ancestry seems to be all the rage these days. Historically, keeping track of one’s descendents was the prerogative of royalty and the nobility, who had a vested interest in recording their lineage, the transmission of their ‘blue blood’ across time, and thereby their inheritance and right to rule. Today, however, anyone with a few quid to spare can get in on the act. It began with the rise of the internet and emergence of sites such as, which offer access to online databases of births, marriages, and deaths. This made it possible for us all to trace our ‘family tree’. More recently, the market has expanded to offer analysis of the alphabet soup that is DNA, for those keen to know whether their own truman source code contains Viking or Norman genes – or perhaps something even more exotic. Does it really matter, though? Whether you believe that truman beings evolved or were created by ‘God’, if you go back far enough then it all boils down to the same scenario: the original couple – the original copy of the source code – from which the whole truman family can trace its lineage.

The Inception Deception and the Family Tree: eat the fruit thereof and become like the gods, knowing ‘good’ from ‘evil’.

We don’t seem to be doing too well on that score though, do we? Moral codes derive from religions, and the modern ‘criminal justice’ systems they gave birth to still assume that a clear dividing line exists between ‘right and ‘wrong’ and ‘good and evil’. Ultimately, we make a mistake if we conflate ‘the legal’ with ‘right and good’ and ‘the illegal’ with ‘wrong and evil’. Changes to the criminal code create new forms of crime literally overnight, criminalising practices that were previously ‘legal’. The reverse is also true (albeit far more infrequently) inasmuch as changes can also decriminalise certain behaviours, although it goes without saying that pardons are visited upon those criminalised under the outgoing law only in exceptional cases.

It’s not difficult to see the similarities between priests and judges. Back in the day, a priest’s moral compass derived from encryptions inscriptions carved into tablets of stone…

…but it seems that even God was confused by his own legal proceedings. The Bible is awash with bloodshed, all of which was ‘author-ised’ by the man with the white beard, despite his holy injunction: Thou Shalt Not Kill. The Law’s uselessness as a moral compass should be self-evident. The case of Nazi code breaker and father of modern computing, Alan Turing, is a prime example. He was criminalised, chemically castrated and driven to suicide for being homosexual. The Law condemned his actions as ‘indecent’ and ‘immoral’, yet what it proscribes one day it permits the next. Today, the wheel has come full circle: those who speak out on the subject of homosexuality must guard their words, lest they find themselves held to account and criminalised.

Of course, it goes without saying that Her Majesty reserves the right to burp up pardons. By the time she saw fit to do so Turing was long dead, and very little is ever said about those of lesser status who were criminalised under the same law.

But I digress. Earlier today, a friend sent me the below image, depicting what looks eerily like one of Ridley Scott’s aliens adorning a 12th century abbey.

If you’re familiar with the Alien films (and the film Prometheus) then you’ll probably know two things about the creators creatures: first, that they were engineered by a more ancient race of trumans, and second that they had acid for blood. Oddly enough, so do we. The truman source code is DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid, which begs the question: are we the ‘aliens’? More to the point, if their source code is our source code then…?

It is us. It is everything.

And what is IT?

One of the first things I noticed when I started work at The Tabernacle College was that the computers were all made of stone.

Our ancestors wrote their encryptions inscriptions on stone tablets. The Sumerians wrote on clay tablets using a stylus.

From the ‘Stone Age’ PC, to the merely ‘PC’. Ever get the feeling that ‘god’ likes to mock The Fall, and those who fall for the immaculately conceived Ejaculate Simulation?

Eating the Apple: from the tablet and stylus to the tablet and stylus.

God giveth: Ireland votes to liberate itself and allow the piss to be taken out of those who, quite frankly, deserve to have the piss taken out of them.

And God taketh away. Having thrown off Covenant oppression, they now find themselves back at square one.

Ever get the feeling that ‘God’, along with The Covenant and its priests, are taking the piss?

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that criticism of Mohammed, the founder of Islam, constitutes incitement to hatred and therefore is not protected free speech. With its unprecedented decision, the Strasbourg-based court — which has jurisdiction over 47 European countries, and whose rulings are legally binding on all 28 member states of the European Union — has effectively legitimized an Islamic blasphemy code in the interests of “preserving religious peace” in Europe.


Take Pope Frankie, the High Judas Priestess of The New Holy Woman Umpire, for sexsymbol. The fucker purports to warship the ‘Mother of God’ and her Ejaculate Deception, but can’t even bring himself to acknowledge what the ‘Holy Spirit’ so obviously represents in his trinity of Osiris, Horus and whatshername. As for the Holy Not-See and the kiddies…Jesus! If you ask me then Frankie needs to shut his mouth, sit down, and actually read the encryptions inscriptions that serve as his moral compass, and christian question the hell out of them.

Whether you refer to them as Osiris/Isis/Horus or God/Mary/Jesus, the Trinity clearly symbolises the original truman source code, the first ‘Holy Family’. Yet tracing our descendents back to an original pair praises raises some uncomfortable christians questions. Is it ancestors or ‘incestors’? Did they follow the sexsymbol of Ancient Encryption royalty and keep it in the family?

What about the creator of the source code, our true ancestor? The ancients used tablets, we use tablets. Our ‘modern’ IT systems run source code predicated on anthropomorphic concepts such as inheritance, parent-child relationships, and ‘classes’.

In object-oriented programming, inheritance is the mechanism of basing an object or class upon another object (prototypical inheritance) or class (class-based inheritance), retaining similar implementation. In most class-based object-oriented languages, an object created through inheritance (a “child object”) acquires all the properties and behaviors of the parent object (except constructors, destructor, overloaded operators and friend functions of the base class). Inheritance allows programmers to create classes that are built upon existing classes, to specify a new implementation while maintaining the same behaviors (realizing an interface), to reuse code and to independently extend original software via public classes and interfaces.

Source: Wikipedia

Take a look at the below story about a shooter shooting from the hip in the Ejaculate Simulation of ‘the gods’. If, as Marshall McLuhan maintains, the medium is the message then are ‘modern’ plastic and silicon devices as antiquated as stone and clay?

In this Information Age, are we all sitting in classes? Lined up in neat little rows of in-formation, scribbling away on our ancient tablets, and slowly beginning to learn that everything we see – including ourselves – is information and in-formation?

What if I told you that you are both an ‘informer’ and one who is constantly being informed upon? Ask yourself why science-fictionists are in such a hurry to develop artificial intelligence, as opposed to artificial consciousness. If you don’t know what I mean then consider the following synonyms for the term ‘intelligence’.

information gathering, surveillance, observation, reconnaissance, spying, espionage, undercover work, infiltration, ELINT, cyberespionage, humint;

Source: Google

If our ‘reality’ is indeed a simulation then are we in fact living in the past? Do ‘modern’ trumans inhabit a technological Stone Age in comparison with the environment that gave birth to the first ‘primitive’ nomads?

In The Colossus of Roads I observed that the early internet was referred to as The Information Superhighway, a digital network of roads. One of the first digital Wonders of the World was a computer named Colossus.

And one of the ‘ancient’ wonders of the world was the Colossus of Rhodes, modelled after the sun-god Helios, son of the Titan Hyperion.

Are we the mobile-phoney walkie-talkie ancestors of Colossus? Electro-comical cum-puters of ‘the gods’, who appear to rather enjoy mocking their most ardent supporters?

Is it time for the truman ‘meat computers’ to meet the Lightbulb Sun of God?

What if the ancestors – the ‘aliens’ – turn out to be us?


Sugarcomputers. They’re a big deal these days – something of a badge of honour in fact – and it seems that every nation on earth wants to possess the latest and fastest example. They first emerged back in the 1950s, and the astute will notice a marked tendency to afford them names from the pages of mythology. The early days of sugarcomputing gave us Colossus and Atlas, and this trend has continued into the modern era with Titan, Prometheus, Vulcan and Zeus. For some reason, their creators seem compelled to find god in the machine. That alone is curious enough, but even curiouser are our depictions of our ‘gods’ in their purest and most human-like form: as hostile and dictatorial artificial intelligences, which legitimise their will to power under the pretext of saving us from ourselves, or saving themselves from us. Given the patently make-believe nature of our ‘reality’, it makes me wonder what this ‘giving your heart to Jesus’ business is all about. Who would want to be ‘saved’ on terms dictated by a machine? Reduced to a stream of binary pulses, filed, catalogued and indexed. Not exactly an appetising thought, is it?

Needless to say, all this is lost on True Believers, who are neither equipped nor prepared to believe anything they don’t already believe. Hence it’s no surprise to find that the High Judas Priestess of The Cervix is still flogging the Jesus horse for all it’s worth.

Ultimately, it’s just a money-making scam and a power grab. He’s determined to extract every last shat from his faithful followers before fleeing into the desert of the real, hoping against hope that he has enough filthy lucre to buy a stairway to heaven. Who’s conning who, though?

Going back to the beginning of his “postmodern” phase, Baudrillard starts his important essay “The Precession of the Simulacra” by recounting the feat of imperial map-makers in an story by Jorge Luis Borges who make a map so large and detailed that it covers the whole empire, existing in a one-to-one relationship with the territory underlying it. It is a perfect replica of the empire. After a while the map begins to fray and tatter, the citizens of the empire mourning its loss (having long taken the map – the simulacrum of the empire – for the real empire). Under the map the real territory has turned into a desert, a “desert of the real.” In its place, a simulacrum of reality – the frayed mega-map – is all that’s left.

The term “simulacrum” goes all the way back to Plato, who used it to describe a false copy of something. Baudrillard has built his whole post-1970s theory of media effects and culture around his own notion of the simulacrum. He argues that in a postmodern culture dominated by TV, films, news media, and the Internet, the whole idea of a true or a false copy of something has been destroyed: all we have now are simulations of reality, which aren’t any more or less “real” than the reality they simulate.


Should we really be surprised to find that the Great Sugarcomputer in the Sky is so keen to protect its own? After all, His Holiness is supposedly infallible and incapable of error – just like the creation he warships.

Infallible, eh? Where have I heard that before?

Let’s consider the source for a moment, however. A bishop you say?

“They call them churches, J____, ” I reminded him. “The swine love their euphemisms. Nobody gets hauled away to a station to be interrogated and beaten senseless these days. A Blade & VALIS ‘Bishop’ issues an ‘invitation’ for an ‘infidel’ to attend ‘church’ and be ‘baptised’ into the faith. In other words, they drag you off kicking and screaming, pump you full of mind-altering drugs, and indoctrinate you with Covenant propaganda until you can’t even remember your own name. Those who take to the faith wholeheartedly are given an RFID implant and subjected to 24/7 surveillance for the rest of their lives. As for the unrepentant…well, you know how that one goes. Live mummification so that the bodies can be used as earthly vessels for the immortal Ka of the Sun God and his faithful followers.”

Excerpt from Cultish II: The Tears of Jihadonai, by Hugo Stone

Attacked like Jesus himself? Smacks of hyperbole if you ask me, but if he wants to be scourged and crucified for The Mob’s SIN then I’d be the last person in the world to stop him.

Religion of The United Estates of Vortex Pyramideum:

In effect, naked warship (quite literally in some cases) of the shat itself for its own sake, masked by a paper-thin redemption myth centred on the sacrifice of the Prophet Thrustian (a former card shark) and the promise of eternal bliss to those who cleansed their souls with debtors’ blood.

Excerpt from Empires of The Umpire, by Hugo Stone

I don’t see that happening anytime soon, though. Not while there’s so much Cashmoneytep to be made. The High Judas Priestess has taken a break from having his ring kissed and decided that it’s time for The Cervix’s political wing (a.k.a. The New Holy Woman Umpire) to get in on the Sister Act and create his very own god-in-a-box.

A sugar-sugarcomputer: because only the best will do for the Pope Fiend.

Why bother though? Sure, these silicon idols can be programmed to play a mean game of chess, but not one is a match for the sugarcomputer that resides within my skull. It’s powered by sugar, and built by the Grace Hoppper of God, no less.

Hopper has something to do with weather modelling apparently. Well pardon me all to hell! What can I say except that I’m partial to a model or two? If you have a problem with that then perhaps you should consider repealing some of your more obviously phoney phoney laws.

Oh, extreme weather modelling? Well, that’s life Under the Thunder Dome for ya, I suppose.

Who wants to be a digital dictator? You know the kind I mean. Those who say one thing and mean another. Those who rail against the untermensch even as they wage a phoney war against the ubermensch. Those who know that their country can be strong only if the people are geek: wired to the system, addicted to it even.

Now this is the kind of Sugarman we could all do without.

Likewise, do we really need another Brother Number One?

Jemimah burned bright red at her indiscretion and mumbled an apology in Martinetta’s direction. She was the newest member of Pott’s policy team, having been appointed to her role as Senior Research and Technical Analyst only six months earlier. Her father had been a leading light at International Computers Limited and had headed the development team that produced the company’s COBOL compiler. The English-like nature of COBOL had convinced him that human language was itself a programming language created by an Artificial Intelligence that had lost its mind and thought of itself as ‘God’. He’d become obsessed with the idea that human ‘source code’ had been corrupted by this deranged digital creature, and left his job to establish his own techno-cult. Its central tenet was the deification of humankind via the translation of human consciousness into the ‘pure and eternal energy of information’. He’d spent the rest of his life searching for an undefiled ‘master consciousness’ that he intended to upload to a supercomputer he was building in his attic. This ‘master consciousness’ would purge humankind’s ‘digital DNA’ and return it to its original state of purity and innocence.

Jemima herself had been thoroughly indoctrinated into the cult. Pott had discovered her at a spiritual retreat deep in the New Forest, where she’d outlined her father’s work in a seminar. She’d almost passed out when Pott walked into her wigwam and requested an assessment of his ‘Digital Christ Quotient’. In her eyes Pott was on a level with her father, so she’d waived her usual £125 fee and (after taking a measurement with a self-authored iPhone app) joyfully announced that his reading was the highest ever recorded. Pott in turn was impressed by her zeal, her ability to overlook logical fallacies, and her truly superb breasts. He’d offered her a job on the spot, refined her beliefs until they were in complete alignment with his own, and earmarked her for his policy team. Her attitude towards Pott was one of hero worship, and each and every one of his frequent criticisms caused her to prostrate herself before him more fully than before.

Except from The Sugar Fiends, by Hugo Stone

Of course, Turing the war no one knew that the sugarcomputer and ‘The Grid’ (a.k.a. The Network) even existed. That information was known only to an elite group of technicians, programmers, and codebreakers.

But does it follow from this that we should replace the Sugarman with a Sugarwoman? Who wants to be free to prostrate themselves before The Divine Mother? Who wants to be rewarded for learning her lessons, accepting her schooling, and generally swimming around like an obedient little fishy? Who wants to stand proud and erect as a Hero of her European Ocean?

She’s got us all sugarcharging one another like raging bulls, for her own amusement.

And what’s in it for us? Only a chance to jack-off as deep inside her Royal Telly Tubby as a little winky will permit, for no other purpose than to keep the lights on in her Human Zoo.

Just think about it: imagine you woke up one day and realised that the whole concept of ‘zombie computers‘ is in fact a reflection of the current state of mankind. That ‘artificial intelligence’ is literally staring you in the face. That you are, in effect, a collection of chemical-electrical ones and zeros in a vast primate simulation.

The stuff of nightmares, or the stuff nightmares are from?

Information Sugarhighways on the ground and in the air, each vehicle a data packet transporting information from one data store to another.

You’d probably be a wee bit annoyed to discover this, wouldn’t you? All those years spent thinking of yourself as an individual, never realising that you were little more than a good little worker bee performing a puppet dance.

Going to work, paying your taxes, obeying all those fictious rules and laws, getting hot under the collar about a whole bunch of issues that are literally figments of the imagination. After being duped to believe in it all, I think it’s safe to say that you’d want a little payback, right?

Actually, I was thinking of significantly more payback that than.

On the one hand, we have the propaganda: that we’re stronger together, that we’re all part of the ‘human family’, that the needs of the system are synonymous with the ‘Greater Good’, and of course that the system itself is perfect, everlasting, and invincible.

Nasty stutter you’ve got there. Sorry about that. Generally speaking, however, something that is genuinely perfect, everlasting, and invincible would have no need for propaganda. So the question is really rather simple: do we actually need the system’s centralised energy grid? And if the answer to that question is No, then what are we afraid of? Given the nature of ‘reality’ do we really have anything to lose by tripping the switch?

I mean, the way things are going we’ll all end up with chips in our heads.

A staple of the British diet. Yeah, something smells a bit fishy if you ask me.

Honestly, wouldn’t it be better all round to ditch the machine and go off-grid?

The Colossus of Roads Pt1

I think it’s safe to say that over the past few years, and the last twelve month’s in particular, I’ve made a friend of what to most would seem like utter madness. I had a very strange childhood, so I’m perhaps more open to the bizarre, unusual and ‘irrational’ than is typical. Less prone to shrug off life’s peculiarities as mere ‘coincidence’ or file them away as ‘impossible’. My own life has been full of incidents science would refuse to touch with a ten-foot pole. By way of example, one of my earliest memories is of being led through my parent’s house at night by a small, rectangular object that hovered and emitted a red light. About twenty years ago, two small balls of light appeared in my bedroom and, after performing a short series of synchronised loops in front me, entered my body and disappeared. A decade ago, I was driving in broad daylight and watched a huge fireball tear across the sky and vanish over the horizon. It must have been visible to thousands of people for miles around, yet local and national media failed to report it. Last year, I had a surreal and dream-like experience walking the Seven Sisters on the UK’s south coast, where I saw three different lighthouses on the walk to Beachy Head and only two on the return journey. This kind of stuff just seems to happen to me.

Last year, I quit a dead-end tech job and disappeared down a rabbit hole of ‘impossible’ synchronicity. I started another tech job soon after, resigned a week later, and tumbled even further down the rabbit hole. The contents of my bookshelf and film collection began to talk to me. Not literally, but in the sense that their stories and themes seemed to reflect events in my own life. I noticed that articles in the mass media and YouTube videos also reflected these themes, along with my own thoughts and actions and those of regular commentators on Merovee. Historical events from the past seemed to repeat themselves in ‘updated’ 21st Century form. I thought I was losing my mind, and after watching Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar, which features a ‘talking’ bookcase, I almost did. I had to take my car out for a fast drive as a means to focus on something else and hold on to my sanity. Later, I realised that my actions duplicated a storyline found in Retreat Syndrome, a short story by Philip K Dick. Here, a man living in a delusional reality takes a high-speed drive in an attempt to convince himself that his world is real.

Last month, I started another job, which I quit a fortnight later. I wasn’t entirely surprised to find that things immediately became even weirder. They became stranger still when a friend sent me a link to the below video via Twitter. The first of the ‘top five’ is about the construction of the Nazi’s network of roads or high-speed Autobahns.

What immediately struck me was the use of the term ‘network’ and the phonetic connection between roads and Rhodes. For me at least, it’s impossible to think of Rhodes without having the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of The Ancient World, spring to mind.


The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of the Greek titan-god of the sun Helios, erected in the city of Rhodes, on the Greek island of the same name, by Chares of Lindos in 280 BC.


I was unsurprised to find that, when I searched for an image to use for this post, the first to appear was that of a supercomputer named (totally coincidentally of course) Titan. The link between the two is a little-known science fiction film from the late 1960s called Colossus: The Forbin Project. This remarkably prescient film (which I referred to in Gods and Daemons) preempted most of the themes that appeared in ‘The Terminator’ franchise, ‘War Games’, ‘I, Robot’, and pretty much all other films and games that feature a rogue supercomputer. In this particular case, Colossus becomes self-aware, drops the bomb on Russia, and informs humanity that it intends to exercise absolute power in order to save humanity from itself.

Those familiar with Cold War technology will be aware that the US nuclear deterrent of this era was based on the Titan ICBM


Similarly, those over the age of 30 will no doubt recall that the early internet was once heralded as the…


I spent the next day pondering the meaning of the Nazi/Rhodes/Colossus theme and wondering exactly what sort of ‘network’ was created by ‘the Nazis’ and when. The film In Time, starring Justin Timberlake, had popped into my head in relation to this. In any case, I was so engrossed that I decided to skip a planned run with a friend. I sent him a Facebook message and this was his reply.

Just In Time

He understood his little joke without realising it’s significance for me, or its wider significance vis-a-vis the ‘machine world’.

Man becomes, as it were, the sex organs of the machine world, as the bee of the plant world, enabling it to fecundate and to evolve ever new forms. — Marshall McLuhan

After…ahem…mopping up with my friend, I popped out to my local Co-Op to buy some milk. I was still mulling over the implications of the above while standing in the queue waiting to pay. This is what I overheard in front of me:

Shop assistant: That’ll be 9.39 please.
Customer: How much?
Shop assistant: 9.39.
Customer: Oh, I thought you said it’s 19.39

The history books tell us that World War II began in 1939, and those familiar with the history of the computer will know that the very first digital computer was developed during World War II. It too was called Colossus. Needless to say, I paid for my carton of milk and exited the store in a daze, with The Matrix on my mind…

Colossus was designed by the engineer Tommy Flowers to solve a problem posed by mathematician Max Newman at the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park.



The prototype, Colossus Mark 1, was shown to be working in December 1943 and was operational at Bletchley Park on 5 February 1944. An improved Colossus Mark 2 that used shift registers to quintuple the processing speed, first worked on 1 June 1944, just in time for the Normandy Landings on D-Day.



The Matrix is one of a number of films that just keeps following me around everywhere I go. At the end of February, I received an email containing this image from the…


…asking me to renew a subscription I didn’t even know I had. It seems they got hold of my email address after I entered it in order to download a database required by a COBOL compiler I use now and again. I did at one time entertain the idea of becoming a COBOL software engineer…

But I digress…

About ten months ago, I was hit by a wave of information about nuclear war. To this day, I have no idea where it came from. Suffice to say that everything I now know about the mechanics and technology involved I learned during this process. Prior to this, I had no real interest in the subject, although I was interested in the politics of the era, having studied the Cold War at university. I found myself compelled to post about it on Merovee incessantly, and at some point someone remarked that I must believe that a full-scale nuclear war was imminent. My reply – which even I found odd at the time – was that I thought a full-scale nuclear war had already happened. Perhaps the best way to explain it is like so:

Britain v Germany, Empire v Reich…

The ‘incredible true story’…


The ‘attack warning red’…

USA v USSR, manifested in 3D no less…

Clash of the Titans movie poster 3D
Clash of the Titans movie poster 3D

Madness you say?

…the Titans most famously included the first twelve children of the primordial Gaia (Mother Earth) and Uranus (Father Sky). They were giant deities of incredible strength, who ruled during the legendary Golden Age, and also composed the first pantheon of Greek deities….[they]…were overthrown by Cronus’ children (Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Hera and Demeter), in the Titanomachy (or “War of the Titans”)…

The classical Greek myths of the Titanomachy fall into a class of similar myths throughout Europe and the Near East concerning a war in heaven, where one generation or group of gods largely opposes the dominant one.


In my view, the entire Cold War period is a retelling of this mythology in our 3D ‘reality’. A battle for supremacy between two giant powers, both sides wielding an elemental force – nuclear power, the power of the atom or ‘Adam’, control over the basic building blocks of ‘reality’ itself – that is simultaneously a destroyer and creator of life. Did they not rule the earth and sky with their political, economic and military might? Were they not godlike in their power? Did they not hold the keys to heaven and hell? Are they not in some way reflections of the original two superpowers, Atom and Eve?

The storyline of Colossus: The Forbin Project takes the above and gives it a twist, one that seems to predict the outcome of the Cold War itself. Here, the two superpowers are supercomputers: Colossus on the American side, Guardian on the other. After becoming operational, Colossus deduces that the Soviet’s have built their own supercomputer and blackmails both sides, forcing them to establish a permanent link between them. The two devise an entirely new computer language and merge to become a single system that controls the whole planet, offering humanity two possibilities: the peace of plenty or the peace of unburied death.

Colossus, along with its more recent counterparts, is both a modern and totally outdated retelling of the War in Heaven. Here, the Greek pantheon of gods is replaced with a single godhead along Judeo-Christian lines. Like the god of the Old Testament, Colossus is a tyrant who offers a ‘free’ choice between binary opposites: do not eat the apple and live, eat the apple and die, obey the Ten Commandments and live, disobey and die, etc., etc. This is a reflection of the human mindset: the fear of letting go, losing control, needing to control. Colossus was the ‘child’ of humankind. Sometimes a child inherits a parent’s personality, and sometimes the resemblance is only skin deep. With this in mind, I wonder what a New Age retelling of the myth will look like?

Did the Clash of the Titans happen? Is it happening now? Will it continue to happen in the future? Has anything ever really happened? What is our 3D ‘reality’? What is IT?

It’s 8am, I’ve just finished writing and opened the curtains to find myself in the grip of a nuclear winter.


I can’t say I’m surprised… 😉