One of the things that strikes me about our ‘reality’ is its resemblance to a dream. I’m certainly not alone in thinking that this strange universe we inhabit has dream-like characteristics, and during a recent conversation with a ‘lucid dreamer’ I likened the ‘voice’ that speaks to us through news articles, films, books, and indeed people ‘out there’ to that of the Oracle of Delphi. In other words, to that of a figure presenting us with weird, fragmented, prophetic utterances while lost in an associative trance state. When we become aware of this, the ‘reality’ we previously took for granted suddenly adopts an altogether different form. It seems very much like a hybrid cross between a game and a movie, to the extent that it’s often impossible to distinguish between the ‘reality’ presented to us in movies and the ‘reality’ presented to us by ‘reality’.

By way of example, just twelve days after the release of…

Dauphin County in the US suffered its worst nuclear disaster in the form of…

Those unaware that the above scenario represents the rule rather than the exception might be inclined to dismiss these curiosities as a case of art imitating life. By the standards of this ‘reality’, however, they’re normal occurrences that are frequently absurd and rarely quite so dramatic. The other day, for example, Doc Cooper and I were discussing Cybermen and a TV serialisation of Philip K Dick short stories entitled Electric Dreams. It has a ‘stellar’ cast…

This followed a reference to Blade Runner (the film version of Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep) in my previous post, Dreams of Empire. Needless to say, within a matter of hours the below email appeared in my inbox.

Of course, as soon as I Googled “C.H.I.P. cyberpunk” I found myself caught in a whirlwind and magically transported to the dream world of the Emerald City.

Meanwhile, in today’s Daily (F)Email…

By this stage, however, none of the above should come as a surprise. Like ‘Delphi Ellis’, we wrack our brains to divine ‘meaning’ from these stories and videos, and the focus is always on the content. Rarely do we stop to consider the source of this content, the medium through which content is transmitted…

Medium: an agency or means of doing something; a means by which something is communicated or expressed; the intervening substance through which sensory impressions are conveyed or physical forces are transmitted.

…or that the term ‘medium’ has an occult meaning. If the ‘medium’ is the ‘message’ then are we living in a Hollywood production?

When we look at content, the identity of the ‘stars’ – the ‘stellar cast’ – of this Silver Screen production should be obvious. It’s just a question of reading between the lines to determine which ‘roles’ the lucid dreamers are playing, which ‘characters’ they portray.

Games have come a long way since Pong and Pac-Man. They have producers and directors, and the line between games and movies has become blurred to the point that game characters have become movie characters and vice versa.

One of the most interesting aspects of the ‘dream’ is its technological nature. We think that our technology is something separate and apart from us, and that the digital brain we’ve draped over the globe is a recent addition. Yet dream worlds do not adhere to conventional understandings of time, cause and effect, and linear sequences, and our own dream world contains many hints and clues about this.

Today, each of us lives several hundred years in a decade. — Marshall McLuhan

For example, I recently watched a documentary about the Persian Empire. It was full of references to a ‘colossal engineering project’ that laid cables between Europe and Asia (East and West) in order to construct a ‘superhighway’ that would allow the Persians to ‘ride the waves’.

This is a subject I’ve written about before in The Colossus of Rhodes, pointing out that the early internet was referred to as the…

The road is our major architectural form. — Marshall McLuhan

Roads are mediums of communication, and every empire in ‘recorded history’ is associated with the construction of roads and great architectural works known as ‘cities’ and ‘capitals’. These ‘cities’ and ‘capitals’ are central ‘nodes’ from which flows of ‘traffic‘ originate, and to which they return. When the flow of traffic dries up, or is subjected to significant and prolonged disruption, it becomes impossible to impose rule from the centre. Consequently, the empire withers and dies.

For me at least, the question is this: when exactly did this ‘recorded his-story’ begin?

If everything out there is ‘content’, a reflection of the ‘Silver Screen’, then the only thing we can really be certain of is a) our own identity, and b) that we are in some sense ‘script writers’. Ultimately, it boils down to language, and more specifically to what the medium is and why it interprets and encodes our thoughts like classified information in an eternal James Bond movie.

All of which brings me back to The Oracle. There’s a history here, as she seems to have followed me around since I don’t know when. For example, in order to code in the English-like programming language called COBOL I had to download a database library, and to do that I had to sign up for an Oracle account and accept the ‘terms and conditions’…

As I’ve mentioned before, the ‘COBOL Engineering job’ seems to form part of the dream world…

Back in the 1990s, I used to work with COBOL on ‘big iron’: a room full of huge ICL mainframes. Shortly before I left, my employer began work on decommissioning these ‘green screen’ legacy systems in order to replace them with a client-server system, running code written in…

All well and good, but what was the effect of this change from a ‘monolithic’ to a ‘distributed’ form of architecture? Code ran faster and the new Graphical User Interfaces were nice and pretty, but the underlying ‘rules of the game’ remained unchanged. They weren’t rewritten so much as translated from one language to another.

This seems to reflect my own ambiguity towards technology in general and The Oracle in particular. On the one hand, modern technology offers the promise of a decentralised world, yet on the other hand what we see ‘out there’ is a world that seems to be fixated on imposing and retaining control from the centre.

Here’s the thing though: if our ‘reality’ is a reflection then the characters and corporations and countries that we think ‘rule the world’ don’t actually ‘rule the world’. Rather, the struggles between these entities seem to caricature petty struggles between the ‘lucid dreamers’, struggles which are amplified to absurdity and projected on the Silver Screen we call ‘reality’.

In other words, the medium’s ‘core code’ seems specifically designed to keep us in an Age of Empires, an age in which the ‘symbolic instruction code’ of our thought and language manifests in 3D as conflict and competition between individuals and corporate bodies.

If we apply the above to technology and the internet, we have to ask what it represents. The internet is often presented as an anarchic system controlled by no single body or agency. That’s not really the case though. Once again, it’s difficult not to conclude that it’s all about US.

Since ICANN reports to the US government’s Department of Commerce, the domain name process is effectively overseen by the US government. China, Russia and Europe have all expressed concern at this situation because it means the US has leverage over the global coordination of the internet. “It has a role that is different from the role of all other governments,” says Massimiliano Minisci, a regional manager at ICANN. “That’s a concern around the world.”

All of which raises other interesting questions, such as what it really means to hack a computer or a network. I mean, just what is the modern obsession with the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ all about?

In computer science, a zombie is a computer connected to the Internet that has been compromised by a hacker, computer virus or trojan horse program and can be used to perform malicious tasks of one sort or another under remote direction. Botnets of zombie computers are often used to spread e-mail spam and launch denial-of-service attacks (DOS attacks). Most owners of “zombie” computers are unaware that their system is being used in this way. Because the owner tends to be unaware, these computers are metaphorically compared to fictional zombies. A coordinated DDoS attack by multiple botnet machines also resembles a “zombie horde attack”, as depicted in fictional zombie films.

Let’s face it: if you haven’t added a ‘script blocker’ to your ‘web browser’ or updated your ‘anti-virus’ and ‘firewall’, and if you’re not in possession of a unhackable Ancient Geek Antikythera Mechanism, then could you end up with a nasty case of the munchies?

Are we feasting on ourselves?

Or is someone feeding it to US?

Can we change the ‘rules of the game’ or is The Oracle ‘hard wired’ to suck the creative juices from our brains and present it in a particular form? If the latter then can we ‘unplug’ or deprive it of the information that sustains it?

One theme that emerges time and again in relation to empires is the idea of a ‘King of Kings’. Above and beyond that, is there a ‘Queen of Queens’ with a head full of our individual Dreams of Empire?

The ‘Pocket C.H.I.P.’ and the rocket ship. Is the Queen looking for a ‘winner’, a ‘champion’, a White Knight in shining armour?

Someone more than a drone?

Or is she just out of her mind?

15 thoughts on “The Oracle

    1. GOI, I think we’re too quick to turn it into a ‘battle of the sexes’ thing. This from your own blog from not so long ago.

      For every controlling female maniac, there’s a male equivalent.

      Not forgetting The Tabernacle, which I’ve written about extensively.

      I think that the more we react to what we see and hear (rather than ask why The Program or whatever you want to call it caricatures us the way it does) the more we end up playing the game. I mean, The Program lampoons us all regardless of our ‘sex’, doesn’t it?

      Jihadi John…

      …and the pistol-packing Jihadi nun…


      1. Hugo, I definitely didn’t mean to imply its a battle of the sexes! I re-read my comments and unfortunately, I didn’t realize my gin intake and I drank and commented.

        I think male energy is beautiful and how sad if it seemed that I ever implied otherwise. Here is something I think is interesting: there is an enduring male/female aspect about everything in this reality that makes it impossible to argue otherwise. Here’s what I mean…
        Imagine the yin yang, and when I say positive, I mean male and when I say negative, I mean female.
        The negative is a field of all possible manifestations that could be, but doesn’t know how to define itself without positive (male) energy.
        The positive (potent, or potential) energy is illuminating energy, but can’t manifest without the field of negative energy.

        In a way, the negative energy is the beast (or earthly) energy because all biological things grow in a 137.5 angle (and phi golden ratio pattern) that has to do with Venus, but it wouldn’t be patterned without male energy making it understandable in a mathematical way in this number-reasoning. The pentagram pattern that the Earth and Venus make around the sun has angles that match this pattern of growth.

        In a way, the positive energy is the beast because it has virile Mars energy that is RED for passion or for war.

        The negative moon energy is connected to our cycles here on earth and what we can’t see. (the subconscious). But nobody wants to look at the subconscious!

        The positive sun energy are the electromagnetic waves that could expand our consciousness, making our experience here multidimensional, and we go from the cube to the hypercube, and that’s why Prometheus “stole” fire from the sun, to know the vibration or PHOton, or maybe speed of light (SOL), to give vibrational energy to the matrix in which all things in the program manifest.

        The G-nome…or G name? Name of “god”? Mission accomplished. But I crash-landed in the desert.

        A few years ago, I had basal cell carcinoma on my face. I had a plastic surgeon remove it because I think anyone should do that if they have skin cancer on their face. Anyway, pre-surgery, the plastic surgeon was drawing lines on my face, to know where to cut (male patterning-energy).
        He asked me to smile (emotion…feminine energy), to make sure the cut was also ok with resting face and smiling face. There’s a small scar but that’s ok. Anyway, I thought of this.


        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hello Hugo and thank you for writing the article and I like the article and right now I am thinking that the world place dream realm will be in a way that all people of the world place dream realm will be liking to be in the world place dream realm and and right now I am thinking I would like to be knowing who are the lucid dreamers of dream and right now I am thinking possibly all people of world place dream realm are lucid dreamers of the dream and what do you think?


    1. M, if this ‘reality’ really does have 7 billion people living in it then I often wonder what a world of 7 billion ‘lucid dreamers’ (each with their own wishes) would actually look like. Would it (or could it) have any ‘coherence’ at all? I think about this in relation to the ‘battle of ideas’ and how almost every society has come to promote similar ideas and label some ideas as good/right/acceptable and other ideas as bad/wrong/unacceptable. If you look at this in relation to politics, then the spectrum of ‘acceptable’ ideas has become so narrow that the left/right divide seems meaningless. From a ‘dream world’ perspective, I suppose that’s the entire point. If it’s a ‘dream’ and a work of ‘imagination’ then it seems to me that left/right divides (and all the other divides for that matter) only have ‘meaning’ if we give them ‘meaning’.

      I suppose I’m answering your question with another question: can 7 billion people all have what they want if there is only one ‘dream’? Frank and MJ refer to the ‘multiverse’ and perhaps that’s the answer?


  2. Hello Hugo and thanks for reply and I think I don’t know what exactly you mean by coherence and I think it would be possibly strange if all 7 billion were thinking world place is dream and possibly it would be only different


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